Sunday 4 December 2011

My Sisters Keeper Book VS Movie


New York Times bestseller "My Sisters Keeper" was released in 2004 and made into a film in 2009. The point of view comes from the youngest sibling of the Fitzgerald family, Anna. Her older sister Kate is suffering from leukemia and needs one of Anna's kidneys to survive. Anna was genetically created to match Kate after her parents discovered she was sick at the age of three. After years of her body being used to help Kate's, Anna hires a lawyer to help to her achieve medical emancipation from her parents because she is under the age of 18. The book is a sad story about keeping one daughter alive while holding the whole family together. 

The movie and the book are both very good and make the reader/viewer feel as horrible as one can for a family going through so much. If I had seen the movie before reading the book I might feel different about the movie but I didn't so I don't. The movie completely demolishes the end of book and rewrites the whole ending. There are a few minor characters missing and some of the things in the movie are embellished but the end is really what I can not stomach. In the novel as tragic as it is, Anna passes away in a car accident and ultimately her kidney saves Kate's life. In the movie Kate takes her fate into her own hands and comes to the terms with the fact she will not get better and passes away. While I understand why the rewrite for the movie I feel like this is a tale that was meant to be tragic and the rewrite just puts a whole different spin on the entire story.

Watch the movie first then grab the book and READ IT!

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